Reikistar wrote:
I'm very introverted and struggle with social situations due to not knowing what is expected of me and feeling I have to fake being normal. I'm empathic but find it very difficult to show how I'm feeling and as a result I come across indifferent and shut down. I like being alone with my thoughts even though I get lonely sometimes. I'm very easily over-stimulated and go into burnout where I can't even make eye contact with people.
One of the ways people judge whether a person is telling the truth is by EYE TO EYE CONTACT.
As an Aspie, I generally do not look people in the eye. It is part of my nature.
As a result, when people look at me when I talk because I do not give eye to eye contact, they assume that I am false, a lier, someone who cannot be trusted.
I have found that if I wear a special type of one way sunglasses where people cannot see my eyes, their reaction to me is entirely different.