Wecome to WP, Dr-Strangelove
How strange that you received a badge saying "nice guy, wrong planet". It's almost like they were trying to tell you something subliminaly.
It's a shame that when you were growing up that there wasn't support.
My Great-Grandmother had HFA and didn't know until she was 75, one year before she died
In her times there was absolutely no-support at all.
If you had mental illness, you were institutionalised. If you had Autism, you were institutionalised. If you had a physical deformitee of some sort, people thought that it was "the devil" growing from inside of you
In her days, if you didn't fit the "norm", you were labeled insane.
Sorry for my little ramble...
Anyway, I hope you enjoy posting on this site
Thanks for the welcome.
When I was a child in school I was punished for being as I was, a school which liked to think that it was "progressive". I was then taken to a child psychiatrist, but this was not recognised back then. He was very nice, but nothing significant came of it. All that happened was that I was moved to another school, as if that changed anything.