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11 Jul 2005, 11:16 am

It’s really ironic that I have not yet posted in this section of the least as far as a formal introduction is concerned. I had planned to announce my presence much earlier, but other things got in the way. I think all the interesting posts in the other areas of the forum distracted me so I am sorry.

My unofficial name (also my Japanese nickname) is Namiko, which translates to “little wave”. I’m 17 years old and live in the US of A, West Coast. Some people call me “Namiko”. Other people online know me as TC (Totally Chlorinated) or Ashiaro (the same name as my Elvish rpg character), but that’s a long story. Apart from being online, I like to swim, write, draw and do calligraphy. If you want to know more about my writing, I posted something I wrote recently in the Arts and Music section of the forum. My favourite subjects in school are science and history, as well as any class where we aren’t allowed to waste time doing trivial things.

I’m not exactly new to WP, but I’m still really glad that there can be a place where people understand me. Most of my friends/peers tell me that I am “weird” or a “freak”, and only some do this jokingly. I’ve always had problems with people and social situations, but I always thought there was something wrong with me. Until I found out about Asperger’s. I’d always been a quick learner academically, though struggled with reading aloud and any kind of peer interaction. I was the quiet kid in class who would much rather be left alone reading The Chronicles of Narnia or attempting to read Charles Dickens (bad mistake) early on in elementary school as opposed to playing games with the other kids at recess. I do remember having one friend (as called in the story I wrote, “Matt”). I’m not sure whether he was NT or not. If he was, he was fairly strange, eccentric and smart for one. ;)

I’ve also struggled a bit in school, despite being rather smart. Homework and classwork tends to be useless and there’s no direct application to real life, so that’s gotten me into trouble occasionally. But there are a few teachers over the years who have cared enough to show me patience and give applicable homework from their classes.

I’m going to be a senior in high school in the fall and one of the older kids in the grade. Due to my extreme lack of social skills (which were bad, to say the least), both my parents and the school staff decided to hold me back so that I was on the older end of my grade. Which I don’t think really helps because almost all my friends already graduated...

A brief side note, I do not belive that AS is truly a syndrome, per say. I wish they’d rename it, because a “syndrome” generally implies there is something wrong and I don’t think there’s anything wrong with having Asperger’s.

Since coming to WP (I found it as a link from some site, but I forgot what the name of it was), I’ve learned a lot about autism and Asperger’s and I hope to learn more. I have also learned a great deal about other people, even in my first month or so here. I’ve also had some interesting conversations with people in the various forums, which I shan’t talk about here. ;) Rim hennaid (Many thanks) to everyone here and I hope we’ll have many good times yet to come, including more political discussions, right?


“You laugh because I’m different. I laugh because you’re all the same.” <--I’d use this in my siggy, but I don’t think it can apply to here. :P If anyone knows where this quote is originally from, I’d appreciate knowing so I can give proper credit. Thanks!

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11 Jul 2005, 12:19 pm

Hey, cool to see a Narnia fan. Are you gonna see the new film? I've already seen the stage play, BBC movie, and cartoon film, so this new film will be the fourth version I enjoy! Have you seen the BBC Narnia films?


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11 Jul 2005, 12:36 pm

What is a BBC? I saw the cartoon and I am a fan as well

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11 Jul 2005, 2:25 pm

Don't worry about the delay in posting an intro! I still haven't done mine!


I'm also a fan of the Narnia Series.



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11 Jul 2005, 3:07 pm

Good to hear from you!


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11 Jul 2005, 3:37 pm

BeeBee wrote:
Don't worry about the delay in posting an intro! I still haven't done mine!

:oops: Erm...I still haven't done mine, either. I hate formality, and generally go about things bass-ackwards, anyway. :wink:

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12 Jul 2005, 4:15 am

theSPECTRE wrote:
What is a BBC? I saw the cartoon and I am a fan as well

BBC means 'British Broadcasting Corporation', the PSB or Public Sector Broadcasting organisation for the UK and increasingly, elsewhere in the world.

It is funded by viewers (ie everyone with a television set), paying around £112.00 per year as a Licence Fee for the privilege of owning and 'operating' a television set.

The BBC as an organisation, are able to do Free Enterprise initiatives such as selling their programmes to other broadcasters in other countries; to release important programmes like Dr Who onto DVD; publish books that support some of the television programmes and to sell childrens's toys based on fictions created in children's television programmes.

One strength of the Licence system is that the broadcasters can be more impartial, since they are not having to worry about what their advertisers or sponsors think of their programming schedule. This could be important in matters relating to Current Affairs (such as Politics) and News. (Actually, editing on 8th September 2005, I am more inclined to see it as a means of expressing marginal political opinions and giving them greater credence, since they are not directly answerable to their 'market').

A weakness of the Licence system (in my view, one of the greatest weaknesses), is that it is a regressive tax, which means that unlike Income Tax or Local Tax, it is not based on income or ability to pay.

Learn more here:

On Introductions, I have not done one because I did not know that people were supposed to do one. There isn't very much to say about me anyway.

Last edited by adversarial on 08 Sep 2005, 3:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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12 Jul 2005, 10:58 am

adversarial wrote:
On Introductions, I have not done one because I did not know that people were supposed to do one. There isn't very much to say about me anyway.

I figure you guys can probably figure out more about me from my various posts in other areas of the forums than I can sum up in one post as an introduction. :)

Itaque incipet.
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14 Jul 2005, 8:14 pm

Ah, your introduction is belated, too (well, I've only recently posted excerpts from diagnostic papers). I disagree with your opinion that Asperger's syndrome should be renamed: A syndrome is a set of related observable signs and reported symptoms that seem to have a single underlying cause. Any set of criteria could define some syndrome; but, of course, a benign or obtuse syndrome wouldn't be very useful for diagnosing medical or psychological problems. A Happiness syndrome could hypothetically exist, but most people wouldn't come to a psychiatrist or clinical psychologist because they're happy!