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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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07 Aug 2007, 9:27 am

I just wanted to pop in and say Hello to everyone.

I am the father of a 5 Year Old Autistic Son.

He was offically diagnosed with PDD about 1 year ago, but since about age 1 we kind of self diagnosed him.

It is very disturbing at the lack of help and knowledge by professionals as well as coverage for treatment by insurance companies.

We ask the doctors about PDD being the umbrella term and ask them to try to give a more accurate account, but no one can.

It is very frustrating as you feel every day slipping by and you cant help but think... "I wish i could of done more". We cant seem to find anyone who can help us very much at all.

We look forward to talking to everyone and hope to meet some more peopel from CT as well!


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07 Aug 2007, 12:11 pm

welcome to WP. You are where you need to be.


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07 Aug 2007, 12:45 pm

Welcome to WP!


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07 Aug 2007, 1:29 pm

I dont know much about CT or what area you live in but it seems to be a state with more research and schools specifically for kids with AS.Insurence seems to discriminate against people with autism DX,perhaps because some of the treatments are very intense and expensive(specifically ABA,which I am very leary about as it sounds abusive to me).

Welcome to WP.There is a wonderful parents forum to get advice about specific advocating for your child.School systems can be very hostile and stingy with funds and require parents to battle to get assistance for their child...(no child left behind,indeed,only true if the government actually offered the type of funding required to make this possible instead of just punishing schools when their students dont get the highest test scores)Please look at possible schools that specialize in students with AS.I wish there had been such a thing when I was in school.Less bullying from NT's and more understanding from teachers who understand how the AS brain works could really help tap into the potentia if an AS child.(By AS,I refer to anyone on the autism spectrum,not specifically Aspergers Syndrom)

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07 Aug 2007, 4:56 pm
