Hi all, I'm new. My story is interesting. I began looking at Autistic Spectrum disorders due to recognizing many of the traits in my daughter, who is almost 4. My husband and I agreed they both shared some of these traits. For the past few years we've been trying to pin down what my husband's problem was, without success. When we found Asperger's, we were both stunned at the fit. What I did not expect was that it also described me to a tee.
My husband and I found comfort in each other due to our similar sensory problems (noises, lights, temperatures), social issues (loners, few friends, social awkwardness) and our preference for logic over drama at all times. We mused over the world's propensity to overreact and how life seems like something straight out of Melrose Place. We shared stories of being told we were rude, stuck up or unfeeling/unaffectionate. I think we do okay for the most part, and I've always said it took someone like him (who requires little attention) for me to be able to tolerate. And likewise, I think, for him.
As my husband read about Asperger's, he said he saw a lot of me in it. I shrugged it off at first, but soon realized he was right. I was told when I was about 13 that I exhibited these traits. My mother didn't want to hear it and we never saw that therapist again (my mother was convinced my lack of social interaction meant I had depression, and she took me to numerous professionals looking to hear that diagnosis and NEVER did).
As I read through the posts here, I was amazed. No wonder my husband and I are the only ones who seem to understand each other. It feels good to know other people experience these things too.
Has anyone taken the Aspie Quiz? How'd you score? We got 152 and 177.
They tell me I think too much. I tell them they don't think enough.