Like earlier posters, I took some time off (a handful of years?) since I was here last. This was such a great resource when I was going through the diagnostic process, and decided to check back in, but although my browser remembered my old password, I couldn't for the life of me remember my username.
In 2020 after I got covid (which turned into super-disabling long covid) I moved from Portland, OR to Ohio to go back to school. I'm in a PhD program for media and communication, in the media effects and audience responses track. I was originally planning to research stuff around reactions to representations of race/gender/sexuality, but after a bad series of interactions due to cross-neurotype assumptions by my first teaching supervisor, I changed my focus to autistic representation. So now I've finished the first two years of classes and my preliminary exams, and am starting to work on my dissertation experiment planning around tv reception. I did one precursor study (survey/interviews) on how autistic people recognize each other vs. how non-autistic people think they recognize us, and am now I'm doing another one on how autistice vs. non-autistic people respond to rating scales in online forms, so that I can make the scales in my dissertation experiment more accessible. Once I finish running that one, I'll be able to get to the fun stuff about watching tv shows.