Hello everyone,
I'm new and I was recently diagnosed with autism without intellectual deficit (although my working memory is absolutely unreliable by any standard) and combined ADHD. I'm 44 and I managed to have a successful career until my last burnout; I couldn't take it anymore. My second daughter is also autistic (older daughter likely too) and it made me think about myself. Oh boy, this is such a life changer.
Thanks to the diagnostic I no longer feel like a complete stranger disassociated from the world around me. The worst? Well, everyone around me, doctors included, confused giftedness with Aspergers. I did an IQ test many years ago in the 1990s and my mind tells me that I did score very superior, but I do not remember. My last testing had low working/average perceptual indexes, and strangely very high verbal and high processing speed (I've read it is quite common for Aspergers). Age and drugs could be a factor, but who cares about IQs other than to help diagnose a condition. I find this internet fascination with high IQs or IQs in general to be quite disrespectful even if unintentional.
I started explaining my new reality in the Office but I quickly realized it was a mistake. I requested special working arrangements, and that shouldn't be a problem, but I am very worried about harmful stereotypes with colleagues and managers at work.
Anyways, thanks for reading.