Me (newbie) - mum and student, recently diagnosed

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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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24 Oct 2022, 5:23 am

So, here I am, safe ND forum, and I'm panicking about what to write and how to say it and forgetting who I am :roll: :-P

I was diagnosed last year after a lifetime of thinking everyone else was weird! I'm a mum of 3 (1 as of yet undiagnosed but definitely Autistic teen girl, a suspected ADHD teen boy, and a little dude who seems normal enough to me so is probably diagnosable in some way :wink: ). I have an incredibly patient fiance who gets almost as worn out by socialising as I do so we're happy in our bubble! I'm currently halfway through my Ph.D. (evolutionary psychology of sexual harassment). We're all huge anime fans, animal lovers, foodies, and geeks. Actually, I don't know what qualifies as being a "foodie". I like food. I can cook. I like to try new foods and learn how to make them myself. :| That's my version of a foodie!
I have a rabbit, a cat, and 2 turtles.

I used to work one-to-one with children with Autism, it was one of the most rewarding things I have ever done. Yes, I did ABA, no, I didn't torture any kids, yes, I know many people have trauma from past crappy ABA experiences and I'm so so sorry that happened to you if it did, it's never supposed to be like that - no, those kids I worked with don't hate me and haven't ended up with trauma of their own. My kiddos adored me and I adored them! And I've used the teaching techniques on my own children. The methods we were taught gave me a real insight into understanding and considering why someone is acting the way they are before reacting to that behaviour so I could figure out how best to help. I could go on and on attempting to defend good, caring ABA therapists who work with the children and parents (not against them) but... I'd rather not have to. I respect your opinions either way. :) I could have just not mentioned it too, but I hate always hiding that part of myself just to keep the peace even within "safe" communities!

Ooh also, I love music (most kinds, but especially rock) but forgot to put it in my interests, way too important to miss out altogether though! :lol:
I stim-sing. Luckily I can hold a tune. My superpower (and kryptonite) is my super hearing.

Anyway. Umm. That was a bit blah blah blah so I guess that'll do! Hi, fellow oddities, pleased to meet you :)


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24 Oct 2022, 8:04 am

welcome from Northern Michigan USA glad you are with us


"Curiosity is one of the permanent and certain characteristics of a vigorous intellect.” Samuel Johnson

jimmy m

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24 Oct 2022, 11:09 am

Welcome to Wrong Planet. It seems like you are trying to figure yourself out and how you fit into this world.
I have been studying myself for the past couple years. I now understand why I am what I am. It all began when I was around 3 years old and died. I was attacked by a large bull. But humans are a very evolved creation. My non dominant brain on the right side of my body stepped in and became my primary brain. It was a brain swap. Left and right side changed places. It made me what I am today. Good luck on your journey through life.

Author of Practical Preparations for a Coronavirus Pandemic.
A very unique plan. As Dr. Paul Thompson wrote, "This is the very best paper on the virus I have ever seen."

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24 Oct 2022, 5:05 pm

Welcome to WP!

I don't think there is any minimum requirement for an initial post here. Mine was definitely not very informative.

ShoLeigh84 wrote:
I was diagnosed last year after a lifetime of thinking everyone else was weird!
And I hope your diagnosis didn't tell you otherwise. Before my diagnosis I had increasingly been getting suspicious that other people were the problem. Now that I have the diagnosis and have read about ASD-1 I am convinced other people are the problem!

When diagnosed I bought champagne!
I finally knew why people were strange.


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24 Oct 2022, 5:11 pm

Willkommen :mrgreen:

The Family Enigma


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24 Oct 2022, 6:51 pm

Welcome to Wrong Planet! :)

Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!