gantier wrote:
I am interested in finding out what percentage of others have physiological signs that could be coupled to ASD. My GI ones were evident from the time before my avatar photo. When 40, I was given cisapride to try and speed things up until it had its license revoked. Now have Barrett's Oesophagus. Round about then I noticed I was losing touch sensation to pin prick and pain. It was diagnosed as mono-neuritis multiplex. B12 injections seems to have halted progression. I was interested to read that unmyelinated C nerve fibres are reported to degrade in some ASD cases.
First off, I am not an expert. I pulled up a thread on cisadride and it said:
Side effects are uncommon but vomiting, diarrhea, or gastrointestinal discomfort may occur. More serious side effects include incoordination, excessive drooling, muscle twitches, agitation, abnormal behavior, increased body temperature, and seizures; these signs may indicate doses are too high.So that may be why it was pulled off the market.
As for myself, the only thing I ever found to be beneficial was a product called Cellular Health by Juvenon. This was non prescription and I take one a day.