I misplaced my record for this account and found it again. I am seeing a psychologist for depression.
I heard a radio story about how loneliness is a tremendous problem. That seems to be my primary problem. We isolate ourselves in our homes or apartments and don't have a community relationship.
Having Asperger's means that we don't interact with others in the manner they, normal people, expect and implicitly require. The result of that is it is more difficult to become part of a community or group.
Having on-line friends is better than not, but it does not replace the needs for face to face friendships.
Second topic: In 2013 the American Psychiatric Association (APA) removed Asperger's from the DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) and grouped it in with Autism. My non-professional opinion is that was a mistake. The reason is that we humans need to categorize things, including people. Autism is a catagory. But it is an extremely broad category ranging from barely detectable to disabling. When a person is noted as being autistic, that is just a single category. I suspect we are more likely to be associated with the more severe category and therefore more likely to be shunned. Or maybe just avoided is a better phrase.
To my opinion, there might be a need for many more categories rather than fewer. Asperger's might be considered a category of autism rather then a small segment of it. Then again, we humans don't like so many categories.