jimmy m wrote:
Welcome to Wrong Planet. About 50% of the people in the world are Introverts and the others are Extroverts. I am in the extreme of the introvert scale. Most people are scattered towards the middle.
An extrovert recharges their internal batteries by coming together in a group. One person starts talking and then another one joins in and before long a conversation happens. They talk and talk and talk. And by talking they recharge their inner batteries and are ready to face the next day.
But introverts are different. We recharge our batteries by being alone. We might read a book or watch a movie. We think, think, think and soon our internal batteries become recharged.
As an extreme introvert, I do not need thousands of friends. One or two is mostly what I need. Sometimes when I find a close friend, I will open up and Talk, Talk, Talk. It is a one on one conversation. Sometimes I Listen, Listen, Listen.
I completely understand. I might be a little more extroverted but only to a degree. Once I reach a certain point I get really drained and do not talk to anyone for a bit.
A professional at having experienced many short-lived partings.