I signed up for this site years ago. Must of been some sort of glitch, but I wasn't getting any email telling me I was in. Then some months later, I was in. But I ended up not doing anything here, perhaps losing interest since it took so long to get acknowledged.
I see that this has become one of the premiere forums in the Asperger/autism world. I've probably been missing a lot. I'm an older person who got diagnosed as an adult. My path towards getting diagnosed parallels John Elder Robison of Look Me In The Eye fame. I was the same age as he was when I was diagnosed. It was in the same year. And it was a totally fluky thing that I was diagnosed when I was since it was near impossible for an adult to be diagnosed back then since only the only professionals that knew anything about Aspergers in 1995 were the child psych people and even they were in the process of learning about this.
Grew up in a dysfunctional family situation, and went to a school in my first eight years that was even more screwed up than my family. Somehow, I kept some smidgen of sanity unless you want to count my depression issues, anxiety, and PTSD. Somehow, I have a moral and ethical compass. That might be an Aspie thing. Managed to get into the IT world being in the right place and the right time in the 90s without any formal training back in the mid 90s. PTSD was under control, but the demons came back five years ago with a vengeance. I'm prematurely retired. I'd like to get back into things, but probably self employment would work better for me, since I don't have the tolerance for the bureaucratic idiocy I used to have.
I guess that's enough about myself for the time being.