My name is Victoria {redacted by moderator} and I am 36 years old.
And this is the story of my life.
I work for Valvoline as an Oil Change Specialist full time and I work for Uhaul as a Hitch Installer Technician part time.
I Live in {redacted by moderator}
I get around on Motorcycles, Dirtbikes and Scooters.
My bikes, all garage kept are..
A 2023 Honda Goldwing Tour Airbag ABS, Automatic DCT.
A 2023 Honda Rebel 1100T Automatic DCT Cruiser Motorcycle.
A 2023 Honda CBR1000RR Supersport Motorcycle.
A 2023 Honda Africa Twin Automatic DCT.
A 2023 Honda ADV150 Scooter
I have two Black Labrador Retrievers and two American shorthair cats.
My Favorite music is Rock and Country... though im actually waiting for the rap crap to pass or for somebody to say basically, you know what?
Music matters, Music is part of culture, I'm good at making music, I want to be a Musician..
and make it happen...
Im also waiting for the boomers to figure it out that life is a continuum and goes on or for other generations to move on without them so that great music can be revived.
I been to London, England
I been to Toronto, Canada.
I been to Sydney, Australia.
I been to Auckland, New Zealand.
Politically, this is where I stand.
I'm a Capitalist.
I'm a Gun Owner / NRA Member, Constitutional Carry advocate.
I'm Pro Choice.
I'm a Royalist (a follower of news related to the monarchy and advocate for it) and if I could make my own country, it would be a semi constitutional monarchy.
I'm Against the death penalty.
I'm for Universal Healthcare and Public Education and Childcare.
I'm Pro Nato / EU / UN
My Favorite way to travel internationally is by ship and I took an oceanliner to the UK, the Queen Mary 2.
I don't want to be e mailed to where I'm going, I want to live life and have a real story to tell about it.
I like the beach.
My Favorite food is the boardwalk food like the Hotdogs, Pretzels, Waterice, French fries and Onion rings.
I also love barbecue.
Last edited by Cornflake on 20 Jun 2023, 8:57 am, edited 2 times in total.:
Redacted some personally identifying information