Hello. I'm John, I'm 36 and I'm in the UK.
I'd always wondered why I was socially awkward, why people didn't really take to me (though the vast majority have been friendly enough), and why (until a few years ago) I was perpetually single. Now I think I know why.
I had heard of Aspergers, in the radio play 'Spoonface Steinberg', where a 10-year old girl with AS describes, in unemotional, matter-of-fact terms, the breakdown of her parents' marriage. But it was only in the last few months, after reading about AS that I began to suspect I had it.
As well as the lack of social skills, I had wondered why I like such strict routines; why I had such strict rituals. For example, if I mounted the pavement with my right foot first, or I walked on the inside of man-hole covers (between the fence and cover, unless it was one of those concrete telephone man-hole covers...) then that would bring me bad luck.
At work, I seem to have done better than most people here, holding down jobs for years, though it was a struggle. It got to a point where I lost my rag with a colleague and was called into the manager's office. I saw my GP and was given Prozac. This helped a great deal, I ignored my seemingly silly routines and rituals. But after I stopped taking them, I found myself slipping back into the same old routines.
As for romance, this was non-existent right from my teenage years until about 5 years ago. I was looking for penfriends (no romance, please) and got to know a lovely lady. I visited, as a holiday, no romance again. Five and a half years later, we're engaged, and I will be moving from the UK to the USA next year. While I'm happy to be in a relationship with someone who really loves me, and who I do love, this has brought out a whole raft of new insecurities.
What it all boils down to is, I would be very much surprised if I don't have AS, but I'm glad I'm not the only one, and that this board exists. I'm looking forward to joining the debate and hearing from others like myself.