NowWhatDoIDo wrote:
Dunedain wrote:
IsabellaLinton wrote:
What things do you remember liking in your lurking?
I would often see threads regarding similar interests of mine and people who view things in a similar way (a really old LOTRO one I saw it in my search results reminded me actually, lol), and the way people socialize here reminds me a lot of myself from what I have seen. I also used to know someone who had posted here before and it seemed like a good place. I am usually quite bad at interacting on forums but I think I would be more at ease in a place with people similar to myself.
I also have trouble in online forums. I think it's easy for me to forget that the entity on the other end of that Wrong Comment™ is actually a person with feelings
That said, welcome! If there's anywhere we can feel free to be ourselves, I figure it's here!
By the way, I was just diagnosed at 54.
I've been wondering how my life would have been different if I was diagnosed younger. Do you sometimes wonder how your life would be different if you didn't know?
For me, on forums, I always fear that I may accidentally upset a person or be the target of someone's ire unintentionally without knowing by saying something a bit silly.
Sometimes I feel that my life might be better if I didn't know, because I might not worry as much about it all, but at the same time I think it could have the potential for being worse because I'd feel like there wasn't an "answer" to lean on at times and I'd probably not be able to find as many resources for dealing with my issues and I'd feel a bit more lost. I suppose I still do feel that way sometimes and maybe ultimately it wouldn't make too much of a difference. I think there is something to be said for being diagnosed when you are younger can make you feel like a bit more of an "alien" at a young age and therefore overthink yourself out of everything and shut yourself out from talking to other people because you'll fear they know and think less of you for it. I did that quite a lot, and have sort of always felt like an "other".
Nowadays I enjoy being myself for the most part.