Hey there, I came across these forums while researching AS on wikipedia. So lets see where to begin. I'm not sure if I have AS, as for most of my life I had never heard of it. Right now I am being treated for OCD/depression. I've been obssessive compulsive for as far back as I can remember, but only began treatment when I was about 12 or so, I'm 22 now. When I heard about AS I started read some things on it, and honestly was quite shocked as some of the articles seemed to describe me perfectly. Ever since I was young I've had trouble in social situations and honestly just don't understand the prupose of many of the social norms of our scociety. Example being, I was at a college party a few months back and I stood there analzing the situation and wondering to myself what the point was. Furthermore I am very into math and science, being a computer science major. Hell, I once brought a panic attack upon while contemplating irrational numbers and their relation to the universe. Anyways I am meaning to bring up the AS to my therapist, although i have been hesitant because I am not sure of what her reaction will be. Part of me thinks she'll blow it off since it was never brought up before, yet I was never tested for it as a child either. If anyone has some suggestions or can point me in the right direction please do. Thanks.