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Blue Jay
Blue Jay

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24 Mar 2024, 3:47 pm

I'm just checking in here and saying hello.

Current college student looking for a new job.

"Capitalism" or free-market != oppression

utterly absurd

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24 Mar 2024, 3:57 pm

Welcome to Wrong Planet!

Diagnosed ASD, ADHD, Tourettes age 5
Feel free to PM me--I like to talk about most things other than sports

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24 Mar 2024, 5:03 pm

Welcome to WP! I hope you like it here.

When diagnosed I bought champagne!
I finally knew why people were strange.


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24 Mar 2024, 5:04 pm

Welcome to WP! :alien:


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24 Mar 2024, 5:15 pm

Welcome to Wrong Planet! :)

Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!

Sea Gull
Sea Gull

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24 Mar 2024, 5:37 pm

Welcome to Wrong Planet.


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25 Mar 2024, 4:22 pm

hi, hello, and welcome!


"Curiosity is one of the permanent and certain characteristics of a vigorous intellect.” Samuel Johnson


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30 Mar 2024, 1:20 am

Hello! Glad you checked in. Hope you stay in for awhile!

jimmy m

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30 Mar 2024, 6:52 am

SailorsGuy12 wrote:
I'm just checking in here and saying hello.

Welcome to Wrong Planet.

Not much of an introduction so I thought I would dig a little deeper. You have written a few posts. Perhaps they will provide some more insight.

You wrote, "At least 60 years ago we still had the illusion of innocence.
The decline arguably began after WW2 or as the reaction to it.
The political assassinations in the 1960s and Vietnam were probably the first crisis that affected us in a very negative way."

So you have some knowledge of history. Many of the answers you seek actually have an imprint around 13,000 years ago.

Then you wrote, "I'm starting to question if we really have complete free will. If we are talking about choosing between two options, yes we have that kind of free will, but there are a lot of things out of our control and the whole world might be just guided on some level by fate or luck. You can't control where or when you were born and the conditions of the era or location which you were born in history entails. A lot of the world's religions have some form of prophecy that foretells the direction of humanity and the belief that the God in their religion is sovereign."

Yes we have free will, but you must make choices. Most humans (NT) arrive at a decision within seconds but they have not put much thought in their decisions. If you are an Aspie, and I am not sure you fit that category, you think about subjects from many different angles. You look at things in a more complex way before arriving at a decision. That just takes a little bit more time.

Earlier you wrote, "I did not start working until two years ago and I was let off from that one and back to looking for another. I have similar thoughts, especially since the economy and country is going down the toilet even faster today."

Sometimes you have to seek a career path that uses your unique skill set. What you didn't realize you had a unique skill set? Dig deeper.

Then you wrote, "I don't always care too much about people knowing about my more "frivilous" interests but some I want to suppress when socially interacting with friends. I guess it turned into a habit. I have several, I like cartoons especially the ones that aren't as well remembered and I like a lot of niche media-related things."

Wrong Planet is a free space to speak out about your "frivilous" interest.

Author of Practical Preparations for a Coronavirus Pandemic.
A very unique plan. As Dr. Paul Thompson wrote, "This is the very best paper on the virus I have ever seen."


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30 Mar 2024, 8:15 am

Welcome to WP!

Who’s better at math than a robot? They’re made of math!