TwilightPrincess wrote:
Welcome to WP!
Do you play the oboe?
I've played the oboe since I was in sixth grade, for about six years. I haven't played it since I got to college, though (so, not for roughly 3 and a half years). One of the corks cracked in half and I don't know any instrument repair technicians. I still remember all the fingerings, though. I also play the piano, but I'm self-taught, so my technique and hand independence both need a lot of work.
utterly absurd wrote:
Welcome to Wrong Planet!
Thank you!!

PineappleLobster wrote:
Welcome to Wrong Planet! It’s lovely to meet you!
There’s so many fascinatingly cool people here, it’s a really nice space. Hope you enjoy your stay!
Lovely to meet you too! I'm pretty sure I'm going to get addicted to this site haha.
Double Retired wrote:
Welcome to WP! I hope you find it to be a nice place to revisit.
I'm sorry to hear about your difficulties. From what you've said I suspect you would be a thorough employee in the proper job. I hope you find that job and that it takes good care of you and then you can retire and be happy.
(I was much happier after I retired.)
Thank you... I hope so too. I'd thought about going into law or business once I graduated from college, but AI has been doing quite the number on those industries recently. Now I don't have a clue. But that's OK, right? I'm not sure anyone really has a clue, unless they're lucky enough to have a dream and follow it from a very young age.
Former (?) college student at a turning point.
Diagnosed PDD-NOS, age 4.
22F, HRT 10 months.
It's great to meet you!