Hello, people of Wrong Planet
I'm 18, going on 19. Genderqueer male (he/she/they) and auDHD as well. I was diagnosed with PDD-NOS before I turned two and have had varying degrees of support throughout my life (now in talk therapy). I don't have a medical diagnosis and didn't suspect I had ADHD until I turned 17 (and was never suspected of it as a child); in that regard, I'm self-realized.
I learned about this forum through reading Devon Price's Unmasking Autism. In many ways, I wonder how trying to seem and be 'normal' has impacted my life thus far. I tend to philosophize and theorize on my past and present. Every period of my life is a 'historical period' to me.
I want to know how deep my perceived interests go. For the most part, I've turned away from going deep into my interests because I've been masking. I've always 'wanted' to show and perform interests in the 'neurotypical, socially acceptable' way due to my perceived need to fit the world's demands. Now that I'm beginning to redefine myself and build my life based on myself, my interests and healthy relationships, I hope being a part of Autism communities (in real life and online) will help me on my journey.
I wouldn't say I'm one who is frequently engaged in forums online; I have what I consider to be a thriving college life and talk to people a lot in real life. I'm in great programs and am involved in some clubs that I enjoy as well. Though I won't lie, I think I'm a little burnt out right now due to the pressures of life, my education and my job.
Hope I'm not giving out too much info. I am worried about someone in real life finding this or being doxxed due to how much I'm info-dumping
(I don't know whether this worry is reasonable or not), though this forum is quite unknown to people as the 'internet forum' is considered to be a relic of the past by many.
Not exactly sure how active I am going to be on here, considering how I already have friends and acquaintances in my real life, though I have interest in this particular realm of the Internet. If I feel like being here more often, I might just be here more often. Who knows what's going to happen in the future, so why worry about it?