MHolot wrote:
Hi! I'm new to Wrong Planet! I'm currently in college. If we happen to share any interests, please reply!
I have a good number of special interests. In no particular order, they are Neuroscience* (and especially it's applications), Philosophy**, the Occult***, Art****, Gaming*5, Music*6, and Pinball*7.
*In regard to Neuroscience, I am self-taught and love the subject but lack a degree, so I tend to refer to myself as a "Rogue Neuroscientist". I am currently designing a lightweight, portable machine that can stimulate dopamine hits in the brain. (Uses the same principles as Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation but is basically my own design and can be taken just about everywhere except an airport).
**I have taken some classes in Philosophy but am not currently considering a degree in it. My favorite philosopher is Max Stirner.
***I looooove Ouija boards! Have had some pretty incredible experiences with them.
****I work mainly with pencil, ink pen, and acrylic paint but have explored other mediums too.
*5 Big Nintendo fanboy, but also love Twisted Metal games on Playstation. I also love D&D and am a freelance tabletop game designer myself.
*6 Don't like much contemporary music, but I enjoy a lot from the 1960s to early 2000s.
*7 I. Love. Pinball. Enough said.
Nice to meet everyone!
Welcome, MHolot! I used to love Twisted Metal games too! Twisted Metal 3 was the first Playstation game I got from my parents for Christmas.