Hnn. Before anyone gets confused or annoyed, no. I do not have Aspergers. I've just read a great deal on the subject, and realized that if there is a single group of people more suited to help explain dealing with people in a format that I can understand, I have not yet made contact with that group. And I know myself-- I will not be able to resist commenting on something eventually, no matter how irrelevant my response may be; and I didn't want to upset anyone by suddenly appearing out of thin air, without any prior warning. So. This is your prior warning. (Haaaah... I actually already lurk-spoke, last night, in the chats, but there were a limited number of people there to witness it so... that'll be okay.)
I will attempt to be brief, but I am a very poor hand at 'brief', and tend to drift more in the direction of 'horribly long-winded and verbose'. Feel free to skim whatever seems to be irrelevant.
I am a biological female, age sixteen (and approximately 51 weeks; shifting to seventeen next Monday... I wish this was more specific, but the maths are not my strong suit), entering junior year in high school on the following day, that being a Tuesday, which is an uncomfortable day to start a school year session on, I think. That was a horrible run-on sentence, but as much as I appreciate grammar, I do tend toward run-ons... hnn. In other news, and on the subject of the calendar, the American National Guard slogan 'One weekend a month, two weeks a year', which formerly indicated the required amount of time served for a Guardsman to receive benefits, is no longer in use as a result of the extended service times required by The War. So if you're considering joining the Guard, you might just as well enlist in the U.S. Army proper, which is better funded, and thus receives better equipment and more stringent training, making them better prepared for overseas combat. Just so you know. ...but I digress.
Hnn... I can't concentrate on introductions at the moment. My mother was just admitted to the ER with severe chest pains. I'm scattering in place. I will perhaps continue this later in a more coherent and relevant manner. Or perhaps I'll just consider myself introduced. Hnn. Yes. We'll do that.