Eternal Kaizen wrote:
Anyways with that being said, how is everyone doing?
I am doing O.K. I am 76 years old and suffered a massive stroke about 4 years ago. Its the type of stroke that people do not recover from. My heart stopped beating for over 5 minutes, and that caused a tremendous amount of damage. But everyday I am learning new things.
I think your resolve for exercise is important to your recovery. I have found two things are very important to recovery. These are sleep and exercise. It sounds like you are driving yourself for good exercise. I concur. But deep sleep is needed for your recovery. This is REM and deep NREM sleep. You need at least a total of 2 hours per night of this deep sleep to recover. This can be very difficult to achieve in your present state of living in your car.
I do not know the correct solution in your case, but returning to your home for awhile until you are mended might be a better approach. But the decision is yours to make.