Hi.... I recently self-diagnosed my Asperger's (don't trust shrinks anymore, I've been through all the false diagnoses: ADHD, borderline, depression, OCD, ADD, just a shy kid, lazy and rude, blah blah blah....).
The lists of symptoms are so "me" it's almost funny; socially awkward, highly sensitive to sound and touch, "shy", lack of eye contact, social anxiety, selective mutism, obsessive, can't visualize things well, etc. It's been a really hard struggle; since my parents had no idea what was "wrong" with me, I was constantly ridiculed and/or punished for things I can't help, which just made me feel crappier and made the whole situation worse. Since I figured out my "issue", I feel like I've finally seen the light! but nobody else in my life seems that interested. So glad I found this site... finally, people who understand!
I've told my fiance about my Asperger's, but he's not the type who's gonna go out and read all about it... how do I help him to understand that yes, it's real, and yes, I'll pretty much be like this the rest of my life? How do I let him know that there are things I'll need help with, without sounding too "special needs"... and how do I let him know that it's nothing personal when something he's doing is practically torturing me and I need him to stop?!? Arrrgh! Any advice?