Hi SilentStar,
Heres a blind guess,
Maybe you where slightly aspie anyway, especially in view of what you said about your Father, and the dreadfull assault brought out the manifestations of the tendencies that where allready in you?
For example, lots of Apies have Social Anxiety, now maybe this is brought on by the cruelness of NT children, or our own embaresment when we get things socially wrong,
but if we had been brought up with kind people who never bullied or belittled us, maybe we wouldnt have that Social Anxiety, though we would in efect still be the same person.
Or under severe stress, Aspies will find comfort in such Aspie traits as solitude or immersion in that "special interest".
But if we never had reason to encounter stress, would we tend to follow our Aspie traits to the same degree?
What you have gone through would bring out the strongest manifestation of any psyicatric condition.
Regarding your seemingly non-Aspie trait of being good at reading people, I think ordinary people seem to be born with this ability, Aspies not, but Aspies can learn through thier strong intelliect, especially if the need arises, which it surely had in your case, the diffeance being, to NTs it is instinctive, to Aspies you have to think about it, but can still be done.
I have allways been good at reading people, I have an EQ score of 125, but belive it to be through intellect, and through neccesity.
Since infanthood, I lived with a stepfather who hated me so would mentaly and physically abuse me, I belive a punch in the head or a kick in the stomach from an adult, can very quickly teach even an Aspie the meaning of non-verbal signals.