Thanks for the welcome. As you can see, this response is a bit belated. Sort of got caught up in life and haven't visited the site. But what brought me back was that on Monday, my [new] therapist, without any prompting from me, suggested I might have AS. This was the second time a psych professional said something like this. The first was in June, by the director of the disability services office at the university I attend (for now). I had mentioned to him that I was having trouble finishing a stupid four-page paper, because I was obsessively gathering notes and more & more information. I had 20 pages of [single-spaced, word-processed] notes, and could not stop researching. It was like my brain was stuck in a feedback loop, and I knew it, but couldn't do anything about it. I do the same kind of thing with my architectural drawings--I act like they have to be perfect, and AutoCAD is the worst for that because you can zoom in really close and make sure your lines are snapping to within 1/64th of an inch. Problem is, there's no time for that kind of perfectionism/obsessiveness. So I've racked up a few incompletes, which I'm supposed to finish by Monday (beginning of fall term), or they say I'll get kicked out. At this point, I'm only 2 classes away from earning the master's degree (and 150+ credits complete), so it would suck to be $80K in debt with no degree--but at the same time, it would be a relief, because the dept/university has been a nightmare.
Oh, and Ana54: um, I don't think he had/has any serious psychological issues, other than living in LA, and whatever that does to a person (kidding, sort of). I know it sounds totally sexist, and I apologize, because it's probably not true [for everyone] but--I'm starting to wonder whether any guy would ever want to commit to any gal were it not for the quasi-guaranteed nookie. Sorry, I'm jaded and cynical. Probably not the best way to introduce myself, but oh well.