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Blue Jay
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06 Aug 2007, 1:13 am

This is my first post here.

I'm a grad student of architecture. Just turned 33 on Tuesday. Have 2 dogs and 2 cats. Roommate just moved out on Thursday, so for the time being, I live alone (if you don't count the animals). Sometimes, I can be funny, but today, I'm feeling very "just the facts, ma'am."

I generally don't have time for message boards, what with school and all. But it's summer, so I'm here. I also just got back from a trip to to Southern Cal, where I'm sort of from, and where I had a very brief fling with a friend I've had a crush on for years. Why am I telling you this? Because it relates to my reasons for posting to this site today: I live in a city filled with marrieds and 20-something students, so as a single weirdo in grad school, life can get pretty alienating here. Plus, my friend/fling hasn't called since I left LA on Tuesday. Which I should have anticipated, really.

Anyway, I don't know whether I have AS. I was Dx'd with ADD two years ago, to my surprise. But with the difficulties I've been having in grad school, I'm starting to wonder whether it's something "more." Which is how I found this site.

That's it,


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06 Aug 2007, 2:03 am

Welcome to WP!


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06 Aug 2007, 9:49 am

Welcome! :)

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07 Aug 2007, 12:19 pm

welcome... welcome welcome.


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08 Aug 2007, 12:56 am

Hey Affengeil! Welcome to WP! :D

Was your friend/fling like you? I don't know if you had them too, but did she have psych problems/anxiety/depression/social phobia? Then she may just be very embarrassed. Me and a friend-- or rather, an acquaintance-- who is anxious and has social phobia recognized it in each other, and we at first tried to avoid others, including each other, because we were embarrassed, but then we talked about it and now we don't do it so much with each other any more. :) Sometimes one of us is feeling self-conscious and still brushes off the other or acts uninterested when the other makes an offer, asks a question, makes a comment or gives a compliment. But we don't really mean it. I hope all goes well, and if you don't get back together, then maybe you can find someone else here. I heard that two people who met on this site later married! Maybe more than one couple now; I don't know. A lot of the time, like you, real life circumstances (not having access to the internet or having to work) gets in the way of me coming here, sometimes for long periods of time.

I really hope to see you around! I hope to make a lot of friends here! I'm sort of a newbie like you because I barely posted before (I've been here about a year and a half) and don't PM with anyone here yet.

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20 Sep 2007, 8:55 pm

Thanks for the welcome. As you can see, this response is a bit belated. Sort of got caught up in life and haven't visited the site. But what brought me back was that on Monday, my [new] therapist, without any prompting from me, suggested I might have AS. This was the second time a psych professional said something like this. The first was in June, by the director of the disability services office at the university I attend (for now). I had mentioned to him that I was having trouble finishing a stupid four-page paper, because I was obsessively gathering notes and more & more information. I had 20 pages of [single-spaced, word-processed] notes, and could not stop researching. It was like my brain was stuck in a feedback loop, and I knew it, but couldn't do anything about it. I do the same kind of thing with my architectural drawings--I act like they have to be perfect, and AutoCAD is the worst for that because you can zoom in really close and make sure your lines are snapping to within 1/64th of an inch. Problem is, there's no time for that kind of perfectionism/obsessiveness. So I've racked up a few incompletes, which I'm supposed to finish by Monday (beginning of fall term), or they say I'll get kicked out. At this point, I'm only 2 classes away from earning the master's degree (and 150+ credits complete), so it would suck to be $80K in debt with no degree--but at the same time, it would be a relief, because the dept/university has been a nightmare.


Oh, and Ana54: um, I don't think he had/has any serious psychological issues, other than living in LA, and whatever that does to a person (kidding, sort of). I know it sounds totally sexist, and I apologize, because it's probably not true [for everyone] but--I'm starting to wonder whether any guy would ever want to commit to any gal were it not for the quasi-guaranteed nookie. Sorry, I'm jaded and cynical. Probably not the best way to introduce myself, but oh well.

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20 Sep 2007, 9:02 pm

Hi affengeil

Welcome to WP :)

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21 Sep 2007, 5:49 pm

Welcome to WrongPlanet Image


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21 Sep 2007, 6:46 pm
