ScienceDiva wrote:
Hi, I'm new here. NT mama. Aspie Ex husband (my X-man) and 16 year old daughter.
I am so tired of her scolding me! Everything I do is wrong. She always has a LIST. And its LONG. She's been scolding me since she was old enought to talk. I'm so tired of taking all her negative emotions and her blaming me for everything. I'm too nice for this.
If the scolding from your daughter is unacceptable to you (and sometimes mothers secretly accept this as their lot, but if you really don't) then decide NEVER to let it achieve a useful result for your daughter. Whatever she is trying to gain from it, don't let that happen. Do it in a way that doesn't make you feel bad about yourself: ie, keep your temper, don't get drawn in, don't raise your voice, or simply communicate in the nice way that you're happy with.
For example, if her list has things for you to do on it, don't do them even if you wanted to do that stuff anyway. Don't do as she asks until she requests in a pleasant way. If she criticizes you don't defend yourself or argue: pretend her voice is clucking or quacking and only reply when she speaks politely to you. But don't start this regime until you are mentally prepared to carry it through. It will work but you have to keep it up, and at 16 there will be power struggles at first.