Sapphix wrote:
I've learnt on my short stay on this site that being gifted, shy/introverted, socially awkward and directly honest are not enough to warrant the term of AS. Its more likely you are a gifted person and nothing more serious than that
To be AS, according to those on this site, your symptoms would have to include, apparently, a lack of conscience and no emotional sensitivity. Those latter two do not go with gifted people, who are usually sensitive and caring too. So, just a warning that you are stepping into some very troubled waters here.
That is the sort of post I was actually waiting on and was actually what I was wondering most about, because I am very sensitive, mostly sensitive because I can't tell what others want, it's almost like a combo of ED/Gifted and Asperger's...
In fact looking at all the little lists and things, the lists overlap a lot. Taking one example, some sites claim Einstein was a classic Asperger case, others say a classic Gifted case. Now I know I'm not on the level of Einstein, but my old Special Ed teacher had to make the comment she still talks to people saying I'm the most intellegent person she ever met... though I don't know if that's true or if she's just saying that to make me fell better, see what I mean
Anyway though, with scientific reasoning, it's safe to assume then in fact the symptoms of the two overlap widely, but probably do differ in that reguard. But I am sensitive, but sometimes not sensitive when I want to be sensitive. And when I was a child, I didn't understand the concept that people don't say what they mean at all, more like Aspergers...
I probably should have mentioned earlier why I was so confused. I was also thinking about posting on a Gifted forum for a while, to see how that fit
Crazy Bird Lady!! !
Also likes Pokemon
Avatar: A Shiny from the new Pokemon Pearl remake, Shiny Chatot... I named him TaterTot...
FINALLY diagnosed with ASD 2/6/2020