nexus6 wrote:
Hi All,
I was listening to the radio the other day and there was a show on about Asperger. The symptom's they were describing explained many of the difficulties I've had throughout my life. Hyperfocus on things of interest, annoyance with noise and interruption, some social difficulties and shyness, technical interests, dislike of changes in my environment (When I was six I threw a shoe at my mother because she had cut her hair). They, also describe my dad (A research scientist).
I took the online assessment quiz and scored 122 Aspie and 88 NT. Does this mean I'm on the low end or what?
In some ways I think I would have scored higher as a child but as an adult I have compensated by really working at it, but it things like small talk and meeting people are still exhausting. I do actually enjoy people when I start of feel more comfortable. Any books on helping Aspies get over social phobias?
What is your first name?
Age: 35
Location: Oregon
Hobbies and Interests: Windsurfing, skiing, mountain biking, computers, home improvement
Why are you here? Suspect mild Aspergers. Looking for resources
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder):
Favorite subjects: Staying out of school
Favorite music:
Books: Scifi, technical, self help
TV shows/Movies: LOTR (best movie ever), Blade Runner, Aliens, STNG, Dr. Who, Strangers with Candy, Battlestar Galactica, Firefly
Instrument: Not one bit musical
Do you like sports? Hate team sports with a passion, really bad memories from PE class! Love "extreme" sports: Windsurfing (my preferred activity of all, nothing shuts it all out like 40 mph wind and 10 ft swells), skiing (expert level), mountain biking (when I'm in good enough shape)
Family: Just me, my girlfriend and a cat, oh and my parents.
Clothing: Lucky for me my G.F. is in fashion, so she keeps me casual, but well dressed.
How did you find this website? Web search
Job: Currently have business with G.F., but experience is in IT. Planning to go back into IT soon.
Plans for the future? See above.
Any comments?
Hello nexus6
Welcome to WP
When I was younger I also hated getting my hair cut. I used to run out of the house everytime someone would say "hair-dresser" (literally)
I = Vegan!
Animals = Friends.