Hello, I just wanted to introduce myself as a new member here. I am seventeen and a biology major, and I am neurotypical (though I apply that term loosely). Initially, I was looking on these forums to learn more about ASD's from a first-hand point of view. I have an intense interest in the subject, mostly due to my best (and only) friend of ten years who has Asperger's syndrome (When I was young and learned of this, I was always puzzled why he was the one with the "condition" when he was, in fact, more intelligent and logical than the "normal" kids I went to school with, whom I found unintelligent and at times, cruel). I am actually extremely similar to him, and like to joke that I'm a "low-functioning neurotypical." I really had no plans in registering since I do not, in fact, have any ASD, but after noticing the passion and interest that many posters here have for mathematics and the sciences, I decided to join if only for the purpose of discussing these subjects with people who are equally passionate. Unfortunately, I have not found any NT peers with the same intense interests in the sciences (specifically biology) as I do, so I have come here for some intelligent discussion for a change! Thank you for having me and I'm happy to be here.