The forum description said that new members are supposed to post in here to introduce themselves, but I wasn't sure what I was supposed to post. So I've plagiarised the "questions about you" thread for ideas.
What is your first name?:
Cambridge, UK
Hobbies and Interests:
Neverwinter Nights (I play in the City of Arabel PW as an elven paladin)
Watching films with my husband
Why are you here?
My case manager said he thinks I have aspergers in addition to the personality disorders for which I was referred to his service, and he suggested I look it up on the Internet and decide for myself.
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder):
Last week
Favorite subjects:
History / Politics (they're really the same subject, when you get philosophical about it)
I left school at the age of 18, because I was too depressed to be trusted by myself at university. I'm partway through an Open University degree in Social Sciences
Favorite music:
Rock, Classical, Folk - pretty much anything except Jazz. If it's got a tight structure and pattern to it, all the better
Science fiction / Fantasy. Particularly Terry Goodkind (although his political ranting is annoying)
TV shows/Movies:
Star Trek, House, Scrubs, Greys Anatomy (I like medical dramas)
The Princess Bride, Ladyhawk
Piano, Guitar (just started learning), Clarinet, Descant Recorder, Tenor Recorder
Do you like sports?
No. I briefly took up running a year ago and completed a sponsored race for charity. Then haven't been back since. I try to go walking regularly for fitness, but that's hardly a sport.
I live with my husband and our two new cats, Willow and Buffy. My mother and younger sister live half an hour's drive away. My elder sister lives in the same town, but we barely speak because I get too uncomfortable talking to her. My Dad lives fifty miles away and hasn't spoken to the rest of the family in three years because he took it very badly when Mum started divorce proceedings against him. My case manager thinks he might also have aspergers.
I wear the same style of clothing all the time, because it's too must hassle to try and differentiate between 'work' clothes and 'home' clothes. So I dress a little too casual for the office, and a little too formal for home. Generally trousers and a jersey material top. I love heavy woollen jumpers, but they have to be extremely soft wool because I can't bear scratchy fabrics.
How did you find this website?
Google search for "aspergers" on the instruction of my case manager
I'm a secretary
Plans for the future?
My case manager is helping me look for a new job, because I hate the one I have. It's too stressful to think any further ahead than that. My husband wants to go on holiday for a week in February, but I decide whether it's a good idea or not until I get a new job sorted first. I can't handle more than one change at a time.
Last edited by talitha_kumi on 18 Oct 2007, 2:52 am, edited 1 time in total.