Inventor wrote:
Welcome Netish,
You have that backwards, Tim_Tex sends Welcome to WP, 2.5 seconds before you post. The rest is server lag.
Also, aspies make the first post, and if no one replys in ten seconds, they have reviewed their entire lives three times, come to three different reasons why they are being ignored, and beat on the keyboard.
The T1_TX 1000 is the best unit that NASA, Dell, and TI could build. It's grandparents were Cray III's.
There, I hope that explains the tinfoil hats.
Even with that explanation, I'm not taking off my tinfoil hat!
Rumors also say that Tim wins every single ebay auction at the last millisecond, sniper!
One of God's own prototypes. Some kind of high powered mutant never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die.