Oh boy, where to start? According to my internet test results, ( http://www.rdos.net/eng/quizpoly.php?p1 ... 8=19&p9=76 ) I am in the right place. Love the site name, by the way.
I'm not wonderful at this forum thing.
So far you all seem distressingly normal to me. Clearly I need to read further.
Okay, about me: I have never fit in, no matter how much I wanted to. I see people talking and laughing with friends, it's just so foriegn. Looks like fun, but just doesn't work for me. I've been a "social reject" all my life, I've gotten used to it but it still sucks. Socially, I'm pretty clueless but try to fake it. (Badly, usually.) I did reconize that some of my characteristics were kind of autistic, but know I'm not "traditionally" autistic. So, internet research led me to asperger's. And it fits, extremely well.
I haven't gotten around to going to a psychiatrist yet, they're so expensive. And what can they do? Nothing, it looks like. But I guess I'll get to one eventually.
If anybody would like to private message me (or whatever you call it), feel free. Maybe you can make me feel less freakish, compare experiences, whatever.
I told you I wan't good at forum posts.....