hip66 wrote:
Hi Missa,
I was diagnosed six years ago at the age of 35. Like you my Mom has so many AS traits even she admits that she could be AS though she chooses to remain undiagnosed. As for me I am one of many adults out there who didn't know what was "wrong" for so many years and just though I was going insane by slow degrees. It is encouraging that your daughter was dxd at such a young age and may have help and resources avilable to her that I never had. However, I did have the most important resource of all--a terrific set of parents. I can tell that Kallista has a great Mom.
Hi there! Thanks for the lovely reply! I do have so many AS traits myself that I have no problem saying that I pretty much have AS myself, after all, it's not a bad thing! I think for me that not having an official diagnosis isnt a big deal since Kallista is the more important Dx at the moment.
But I can't tell you how nice it is to know that there are other parents and children out there that know what im talking about!
I agree that having terrific parents is the most important resource of all, the rest is just icing on the cake, really. As a child, there was so much that I never had, including help in school and with social situations, and I don't want Kalli to go through the living hell that was my childhood. So i'm trying! I figure that as long as she knows *why* she is different from her classmates, and that her mom is here for her no matter what, we just might be able to make school less of a living hell for her.
Very nice to meet you!