Hello everyone.
Let me start by saying that I'm very grateful for this site since it may become the reason I've finally figured out what has caused me to be the way I am.
I've spent years going to doctors and researching various medical conditions to try and figure out why I've had certain physical issues, but only recently - thanks to a joking comment by a physician ("Your brain doesn't seem to function normally") - I started considering the possible links to behavioral issues and a neurological source for everything.
I must admit that even in the recent past I would never had known that "autism" was anything other than "Rain Man". I never knew how diverse it was, much less what "autistic spectrum disorders" were or that they could be mild or that I might have them. The way I am always seemed normal to me even if I could tell that I was not typical, and I never thought much about it - I just suffered through it and dealt with it and stayed miserable.
When my personal research finally got to the point of possible ASD connections, it was a sort of an epiphany. Suddenly pieces of the puzzle came together. Then when I found this site and started reading through the various threads, I was in complete shock. So much of what I find people saying here is such an exact match to me that it is simply beyond any probable coincidence. For my entire life I've never met anyone who acts or feels like I do and yet here there seem to be few people who don't.
It's almost too hard to process fully and I must admit that I'm feeling massive regret over not having reached this possible explanation earlier in my life. Things may have ended better for me if I had.
But even now that I finally feel on to something, I am stuck with the problem of moving forward because I'm an adult (turned 38 recently). At this point, I've learned to compensate and adapt so much that I'm worried a professional diagnosis will become complicated by what I've become and/or because of my current life situation. Might I be misdiagnosed because ASD is so complicated to begin with? Might not a psychologist just think I have "issues" (and might they not be correct)?
Plus, there seems to be an issue in general with adult diagnosis. So much of the diagnostic part of this, at least from what I have found so far, seems geared towards children or adults with more outwardly severe issues.
I have, however, also read many people claiming to have been diagnosed as adults. My question is, how?
I have called several doctors (searching for psychologists and neurologists) and found they weren't sure how to approach my situation. Even their receptionists didn't seem to know what ASD was. One psychologist suggested I come in for a personal meeting, which I have next week, but even he said it isn't common for adults to be looking for a diagnosis like this. Another clinic I found said they would get back to me because the doctors wanted to discuss the matter first since they also haven't done an adult evaluation before.
Adding to this, I have no job or insurance, so I can't exactly just keep trying random doctors hoping to get lucky - nor could I afford numerous sessions and batteries of tests. I'm just hoping to find someone who can give me an experienced professional opinion based on what I know and can explain, even if the only ultimate result is knowing there was an actual reason for why my life has been what it has been.
So with all of that being said, can anyone offer any suggestions as to what else I can try?
I'm located in Houston, Texas, so there must be options available to me. Perhaps someone knows a decent doctor in (preferably northern) Houston with experience in diagnosing possible ASD in adults?
Thanks very much!