hip66 wrote:
Hi Myrkabah,
Welcome to WP. With all of the intelligent and highly creative people we have here you should fit right in. Don't be fooled by some of the reading you've been doing: Asperger's Syndrome is a very real and well documented neurological condition. (I even met a gentetic researcher from Princeton University several years ago who is doing research into the genes that cause AS.) I kno what you mean though. When I was diagnosed six years ago it was as if everyhting fell into place- finally. By the way, research does support the fact that most self-diagnosed people are ninety-some-odd per cent accurate in their diagnosis. Doesn't matter- you're welcome anyway!
Can you provide a link to the research or article in report of that 99-some-odd-percent accuracy? Because from what I understand, that accuracy might be based for having self-diagnosed co-morbidities.
In the Art of Psychology, there are many overlaps and confusion for a diagnosis beyond that of being f****d up in the head. True, the new Ultra-Brain research is bringing us closer to a hard science. But, a thorough understanding along with a technology to see the wiring, has yet to come into our view.