Hi everyone. I've been lurking for a while now and thought that maybe I should actually join in. I am not Aspie, although I have a few traits here and there. My husband may well be Aspie, although he doesn't quite fit either (much like my son - the one who brought me looking for more info on autism spectrum issues).
My son is 8 years old and has definite autism spectrum issues. He doesn't really fit Aspergers, nor does he fit Autism, but he belongs somewhere in there... He is highly social, but has no clue how to correctly interact socially. He is very much "in the face" and does not understand when the other kids tell him that they have had enough. So far he does have lots of friends, but none of them are close, or even consistant - he just basically hangs out with one group until they can't cope with him any more and then joins another group of kids. My son "L" has sensory issues and has a hard time with the noise level in class. School bells bother him as do many other noises. He also is highly touch sensitive (although he also seeks contact). L is very strong willed and has been considered ODD (in addition to several other things comorbid to Autism/Aspergers). He is very smart and is very good at getting his way, especially at school. On the other hand he is working just a basic grade level on all subjects as he can't really keep on track. I know that if he was able to fully utilize himself he'd be on the gifted scale, but his current functionality makes this an unlikely possibility any time in the near future.
The biggest issue is that L is prone to a lot of meltdowns. He has a quiet room (a closet really that they have set up for him to go to when he is overwhelmed) to which he goes with his EA when he needs to get away. He tends to need this several times a day. Every so often he has a full meltdown that they can't settle and I need to go pick him up. The school has been great and they work very hard with him to help him work out his difficulties. Unfortunately as a partent it is still very stressful.
I also have a new baby, six weeks old, who L absolutely adores. He is a bit jealous at times, but so far he's great about her. We live on a farm and have lots of animals including horses, dogs, cats and a hamster. As a family we are really into playing games such as this cool pirate ship game where you have mini ships that you use to either claim gold from wild islands or to attack each-other. L of course loves to go on the attack
L is totally into these games and also loves video games (and is pretty good at them too).
Anyways, that's basically me
I look forward to joining in throughout the boards.