Hey WP,
I came across this site today, poked around and read a few articles and thought what the hell, why not register and see what the community is like.
I'm 23, Male. As far as AS goes, I highly suspect it, no clinical diagnosis. However, I do have a diagnosis of ADD and Learning Disabled/Learning Different or just LD. Why do I suspect AS? Besides quizzes and such I've taken from the net which categorized me as "likely an aspie".
-Social Interactions
I'd consider myself pretty social. I make my presence known. I've even got a Facebook, which is linked in my profile, check it out or add me if you'd like. (Is there a WP group by any chance?)
One of those personality test I took in High school came up INFJ...ish. I feel i come off a bit different/awkward towards NTs. Nonverbal communication....well, all i can come up with on my own is "??"
I'll relate with most of the guys here...and maybe girls? That my romantic life has been very turbulent.
I keep my eyes and mind open, and do my best to woo the fairer Learn what I can when things don't go the way I'd wish they would.
Its there, I'll spend more time writing this short intro then you'd think Lol.
I'd waste hours reading everything thats got my interest, whatever reason that may be. I buy books just to add them to the "to read stack". I've been staring at Atlas Shrugged on my shelf for about 3 months now.
Wikipedia has me held firmly in its grasp, which is also how I learned about this site.
I'm not clumsy, but among other strange things I do find my leg often moving up and down like a jackhammer.
There's more to both those, but this is the short and brief.
Overall I hope to be a part of, and contribute to the community here.
Thanks for reading.