Hello, my name is Kika and I am new! I am a mother of a 5 year old boy diagnosed in March.
I don't know much about where he falls in the spectrum because the initial diagnose was not very conclusive. He's had sensory integration issues since age 2 that I can remember. At age 2 and a half was when I became certain something was different. I took him to Brazil to visit my mother. It's a 9 hour plane ride from where we live. Needless to say, half way into the trip down there, I wish I could open the airplane window so I could throw myself out... he was screaming non-stop. It was horrible. I felt so helpless. I had no idea what to do.
When we returned from our trip, which was soooo interesting, you would not believe the adventures, I decided to put him in the Early childhood program in our local schools district. I thought he needed to be exposed to social situations and that he would "grow out" of it. Luckily for us, our School District has a wonderful EC program that focuses heavily on sensory integration. My son started there at age 3 and a half. Then at the beginning of this year, we decided to have a neupshycologist evaluate him to learn more about his learning skills, since he was to start kindergarten this year. That is when we got the news.
Since then, I have been running around trying to learn as much as I can. We have been trying to get into a state program, but needed further evaluation to be eligible. Next week, we have two other appointments with a local center here that is specialized in autism and I hope to learn a bit more about where my son is at the spectrum. We suspect he is an aspie, but we will see.
A friend of mine told me about this website and I am so grateful that it exists. I hope I can learn as much as I can here so that I don't feel so helpless.