Welcome dcforeman,
Bragging about your perfect life I see. Well, Im going for a place with all that and deliverd Chinese food.
My book is longer than the trilogy, with The Hobbit, Leaf and Tree, thrown in.
Self publishing leaves no time for going out, just to pick up what UPS leaves on the porch.
I do have to suffer through driving, going through the loop of Post Office, mail books, Office Max, more paper, get food, and back home.
Agoraphobia sounds like fear of goats. I am just a hermit, recluse, and I do not fear humans, just find them annoying. Every time I test, they are still annoying.
If you are found by a female human, be sure you get return rights, and the extended warentee. They are the E Machines of gender.
I am working on the printing, binding, selling, end of books, I sell three. My own is coming soon to an Internet near you. Word Perfect, Publisher, Photo Shop, work, but now moving to real offset printers, and need to learn another level of software.
Prepress is expensive, getting to press ready, feedstock for the plate burner, is my goal. Printing is reasonable, and they will deliver.
So do you know of commercial printing software?
I am good with layout, artwork, and print on demand marketing. Sales grow, and with four color, 11 x 17, and print runs of 1500, I move into a larger market.
Then I can avoid this leaving home to do things, and find some real seclusion. I would rather rent a few humans to deal with the rest. E-mail is close enough, even if they are in the same building.
PM me, I would not have to explain myself to you, there would be none of that, lets talk on the phone, come for and eye to eye meeting, with hand shaking and back slapping.
You sound like my kind of support service,
Welcome to Wrong Planet!