Hi Martynand welcome..
Its good your reaching out, and I would not say its the wrong forum to say your an alcoholic.
Unfortunately it is all to easy for people on the spectrum to become addicted to things, we can be excessive in what ever we do, and often have associated conditions such as Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.
My mother was an alcoholic, but I'm also sure she was on the spectrum like myself. She always felt the outsider and never felt as if she fitted or belonged in this world and so drank. I also did go down that path for a while myself, so can understand.
But being diagnosed and at last understanding myself has freed me from the need to drink. I do not agree that AA is the best place for people on the spectrum, but one of the only places for people to go at present.
In my opinion there needs to be more support groups who understand these issues...
I hope you can find all your answers here, and please continue on this journey as it will make a difference eventually..
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