How do you live your life?
By trial and error, as well as attempting to learn from the mistakes of others.
Is your sense of justice defined by deep principles? Do you value mercy and compassion? Do you like to empathize with those who have suffered or have been in a difficult situation you recognize
I don't particulary value mercy and compassion. What happens, happens. I do value the rule of "tough but fair" very highly b/c it is (IMHO) how things
ought to be. Do I empathize with others in simlar situations? Yes, but I don't know what to make of it most of the time.
Duty? I don't know what that is most of the time. But I do hold open doors for others and try to act politely when I can reconize the situation. One of my drives is to do right, whenever possible, even to the world's ending.
Are you self-centered, preferring to know only what's best for you personally?
Self ingulgant? Hell, no. My parents are pretty cheap, but by their standards I am unbelievable in some respects. I used to transport my gym clothes in a plastic grocery bag until they gave me a cheap gym bag they got from the union. about 65% of my shirts came from school/area functions. I don't find much pleasure in many things, and to quote (loosely, I don't remember it exactly) my pastor friend;
"You don't chew(even gum!), chase girls, speed, swear, or do much else that is typically expected of your age group"
The three areas I get pleasure from are: Food (I get waaaay too much), Learning, and Building (design, actual construciton, etc). I do indulge greatly in all three.
I like sweets, but I don't mind sharing them.
I don't like sharing them, but after several incidents where people asked me for some and I told them to dance or do something really silly, that made me more unpopular, so I now normally oblige. What does tick me off is when my father eats food that I made specifically for myself. Arrghh! Me no share!
All your bass are belong to us.