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18 Jan 2008, 7:06 am

So tonight I was on one of my many frequent news\wikipedia binges, when by a chain of clicking and looking up stuff, I found myself reading about Asperger's and High Functioning Autism. I had heard of AS before, but not HFA, but strangely enough, I fit the profile quite well. After some selfreflection and more research, I was eventually led here. Awesome place I must say.

Little bit about me: I'm 20 years old, male, a pretty big geek. I enjoy computers and video games, psychology, politics, sociology, history, geology, astronomy, philosophy, writing, reading, among many other things. I'm dealing with some PTSD after being in basic training for the Air Force and getting discharged for knee and ankle troubles. (Ever heard about the Stanford Prison Experiment in the 70's? Basic's like that, but worse. Never seen so many grown men cry in my life.) I tend to trail off topic a lot, and I have most all of the social symptoms of AS, including the problems with awkward body language, facial expression, eye contact, etc. I spend a lot of time cooped up in my dungeon of a room learning about random things, writing, or playing, yes, WoW(or EVE Online). :lol:

With my newfound knowledge, I may indeed seek a psychological evaluation of sorts to see if someone with a piece of paper on their wall thinks I have AS or HFA. :roll:


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18 Jan 2008, 7:44 am

Welcome to WP!

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18 Jan 2008, 7:48 am

Tim_Tex wrote:
Welcome to WP!

Why thank you kind sir. :D

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18 Jan 2008, 8:29 am

Hi Legato

welcome to WP.

I have a piece of paper on my wall...can I diagnose you? LOL. :lol:...well it's not a qualification, so I guess not LOL.
Jokes aside...Good luck if you do get an evaluation. It will be a relief knowing whether or not you have AS/ me!

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18 Jan 2008, 8:34 am

Brittany2907 wrote:
I have a piece of paper on my wall...can I diagnose you? LOL. :lol:...well it's not a qualification, so I guess not LOL.

Actually I would be interested if there was a place I could go of sorts or person to talk to with AS\HFA within wrongplanet or otherwise on the internet (for free :lol: ) where I could be asked questions or talk and find out the general likelihood of my having AS\HFA. Haven't found one yet really. I mean I'm not stupid, this is a gathering place for people with AS\etc, and I could post here and whatnot, but more of a professional "quiz" or one-on-one would help me more, or at least help me quicker.


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18 Jan 2008, 8:37 am

Nice to meet you, Legato. :) 8)

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18 Jan 2008, 11:05 pm

Welcome :D

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19 Jan 2008, 5:20 pm

Ahoy hoy!

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20 Jan 2008, 4:54 pm

Hi and welcome to the aspie community...

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