Hi, I'm well old enough to be a mom to a 7 yr old diagnosed aspie, and a 5 year old nt with some aspie traits (consistent traits, not normal kid stuff). I am also a self diagnosed aspie myself. By that I mean, the more I read about aspergers, the more I see it describing not only my son, but myself as well to differing degrees. I have done the online aspie tests etc, and they always come out the same way (very likely aspie). Personally, I'm not sure if I will ever seek a true dx for myself, as there could be legal issues with custody of my kids etc, and there is a severe lack of resources for adults with spectrum disorders.
Anyways, my sons main interests are space (star wars included), dinosaurs, and nascar (I cant keep up with all the info he has on any of them, ugh). He is excellent in math and reading (though I think there is a bit of hyperlexia going on with him). He exhibits many signs of echolia, though that is as yet undiagnosed. He is ambidexterous, as am I. Currently he is mainstreamed, though I would love to figure out who to get him homeschooled so he can go at his pace instead of being held back due to NCLB. His school will not give him an IEP as of yet, though I am still fighting this.
We are in SE Tennessee.
Any questions, comments, message me.