I was the weird girl who was obsessed with snakes and lizards in grade school and couldn't understand why none of the other kids were cool enough to be interested in them too. Before that, I knew everything about dinosaurs. I think I was about 7.
I was also unathletic and so clumsy that I learned how to take a fall so I wouldn't get hurt. Later on, when I discovered slapstick comedy, I totally related to those guys!
I didn't know how to make friends and when other girls tried to be friends with me I couldn't relate to them and thought they were being "good samaritans."
My mother desperately wanted me to be "normal" and social and sent me to a therapist. All they discovered was that I had a gifted IQ. In those days they didn't know much about AS or I imagine I would have been diagnosed then. No matter. I liked being the way I was and thought the rest of the world was weird. Still feel that way. No way did I want to be "normal" like them.
I dealt with my social awkwardness in high school by drinking at parties. Eventually I taught myself how to relate to people well enough so that I could enjoy myself in groups without substances (just the occasional glass of wine or one cosmo). Still I hate small talk - when I do talk to somebody new, it generally winds up being a really intense, in-depth conversation or I get bored and look for someone else to talk to.
I am a writer and do a lot of stuff on the internet, so basically, I put my obsessive, loner qualities into an outlet that is right for me. I can only write about what I am passionate about, and when I get passionate about something, I tend to get so immersed in it that it's sort of like I disappear into it. (Sound familiar?) That's how I learned about vintage film, building websites, cats, photoshop, and fitness (oddly enough, I am way more fit now than the majority of people in my age group - this after being the last kid picked for teams during recess. BTW, age group meaning over 35 but too young to be old). I started off my career as a rock journalist and I still live in that world, as it's the only one where I ever felt comfortable around other people (most of us rockers and rocker-associates have issues of one form or another).
I have a relationship with a musician - we have lived together for 10 years - who does not expect me to be any more emotionally or mentally intimate with him than I care to be. He doesn't ask too many bothersome questions. I am lucky! Or rather, I hunted out and chose well.
I just thought I was strange (although I don't mind - I rather LIKE the way I am!). I didn't know there was actually a name for the way I am. Apparently there is.
I love writing too, though I'm forcing myself to learn how to write about more then just stuff that I'm interested about