Many people on WP remind me of people in the My st community, which I was active in for about 2 year several years ago.
Alex-- Chucker
Lurker_Extraordionaire-- Lurker Underground
Gwenevyn-- Arianna, also Anna Catherine, also Kha'tie
nirrti_rachelle-- Kha'tie
lau-- Lumen
Ana54-- Saxy
syzygyish-- Raevenna (yes, a woman!)
SpaceCase-- Capella
Graelwyn-- Jerle
MADDuck-- Tanhithion,also River1lala aka River. Oh, and of course linkerjpatrick, aka phgreer!
Quatermass-- A'Reandal
Icarus_Falling-- rr_caz
Strapples-- Gehn123
Cultus_Diabolus-- Aitrus/Veovis, also lawnmaurer90
Samtoo-- Foo
ahayes-- Animan, also David Helkowski/Trinton Azaleth/tazaleth/becareful/DPH
adverb-- Ri'Huai
886-- iPenguin, also MystRivenExile
Anubis-- Aitrus/Veovis
Berserker/RedMage/RedMageIngus/Paladin_Cecil-- myself, Ana54
jman-- jman(only the name for that one
Starbuline-- myself
username88-- enfeiris/E.N. Feiris
Yoshie777-- Veovis7
OregonBecky-- JennyH
Smelena-- JennyH, Jerle
KBABZ-- Achysan
Kalister1-- Jack
Alex-- Gehn
Serissa-- sepdet
There are others too that I forget.
Cultus_Diabolus also reminds me of Southernrebel from Arcane Artistry.
Oh, and Age1600 reminds me of Salatine on Arcane Artistry, and on a Myst community spinoff there was a girl named ShadowMaid that SteelMaiden reminds me of!