Welcome to WP seer, first of all I must ask; are you a seer? Because that would be really cool
As for the showing around part:
This is the getting to know you part, I can recomend checking the questions about you thread if you are looking for a little information about a specific member. If you really wanna know who a member is, click the little profile button under their post, then you can find every post they have ever made (Quite a bit to read through for some members) But the best way to get to know people are to just look around and reply if you feel like you have something to say.
The off the wall section I find is great for relaxing, not much intelligence needed, and overall great fun.
If you are feeling down the Heaven is the place to go, I can almost guarantee you that there are people with bigger problems than you there, but that shouldn't keep you from posting. Many members (like myself) like helping eachother out.
These issues in relationships you mentioned might fit into the love and dating forum, if you wanna share that is.
The adult section is overall pretty stupid, but once in a while an interesting post finds its way there.
And remember that if you ever make a new thread in a forum where it doesn't belong, you can ask the mods to move it. The mods are your friends, remember that, and respect them. Do that and you will be just fine.
Hope to see more of you around here.
Once I knew everything, then I got smarter, now the only thing I know is that I know nothing.
Strange how that worked out isn't it?