I realised I'm yet to introduce myself on the forum properly!
I'm Nathan, I'm 25 from Sydney Australia, recently married (12 months next month) with no kids.
I found Wrong Planet through furiously searching for anything AS after a random online person suggested I might have it (after years of thinking I may have had ADHD but never saw anyone about it).
I'm yet to be diagnosed as anything, but i've seen 2 GPs and have a neurologist appointment and psychologist appointment this month. My GP has ruled out Anxiety and Depression (through a trial run of Citalopram and Zoloft), but doesn't believe I have AS on the sole premise that i'm married.
I'm going through a rough trot at the moment because my wife (who I have only known a year and a half) doesn't believe there is anything wrong with me and loves my quirks and foibles, however feels AS is a bad thing and me pursuing it is driving a wedge in our marriage.
So I not only have to find out what is going on in my mind, but I have to convince everyone else that there is something going on in my mind and it has been for quite some time (I internalise my emotions and personal thoughts, and because i'm a drummer, my stimming isn't very odd for people at all).
Though, finding WP has really been a blessing for me. I can't begin to explain what you guys and gals have done for me, in feeling that i'm not crazy, not the devil incarnate, and that what I am is something to be proud of.
Anyways, Hello, and have a spidoinkle day!