Hi WP people!
I am a SAHM to 8 year old twin boys. Both of my sons have been struggling in school, and have always been "high needs". They both have severe food and environmental allergies, so it has taken the dr.s and us awhile to try and determine which of their difficulties/sensitivities could be coming from not feeling well, medicine side effects etc. and what may be an indication of something more.
They are both currently being assessed by a psychologist, and she suggested AS to us as a possible diagnosis after our first meeting. When I came online to do research about Asperger's, I felt pretty scared/sad/overwhelmed until I found this site. I've been lurking around here for about a month, and I can't tell you how much I've appreciated the honesty, humour and acceptance that I've seen. The information on this site helped to remind me of a couple of really important things that I was losing sight of in my fear of a big, bad diagnosis.
Such as the fact that I really love who my sons are. I love their passion. I love the way they get completely immersed in and excited about their interests. I love each of their quirky senses of humour. When I watch them around other kids I've always thought that they are like a couple of rocket ships surrounded by horse drawn carts...it's the other kids that seemed a little odd and dull to me! I've always admired how vibrant and intense they are (even if it's not always comfortable for the people around them ). So being diagnosed with AS or anything else doesn't change who they are, it will just help us and their teachers to understand them better and give them better support.
Another thing that has been helpful is to learn of the genetic component to AS. A lot of their sensitivities hadn't seemed too unusual to me because I am the same way. Lights, smells and noises can be physically painful. I tend to need a greater than usual amount of personal space, eye contact has always seemed like a bit of a tricky game that no one has let me in on the secret to, I'm not much of a "people person" and I get really, really into the things I like. So I just kind of assumed that they both took after mom and didn't worry too much about it, while modifying our home and their schedules to make life as comfortable as possible for them, just like I do for myself. So maybe I'm not as NT as I thought I was...
Anyway this is getting long...what I'm trying to say is "hi", I'm really happy to have found this forum and thank you for showing me that AS isn't some disease to be cured , but a difference...sometimes a very challenging one and sometimes a wonderful one.