So about a week ago, my friends "diagnosed" me as autistic. Their reasons were numerous and included:
I am faceblind to a degree
I can't do basic math, but I excel at Calculus
I do not read social ques (so I tend to be horribly blunt)
I think by association and sometimes have a problem with logic
I have sensory issues (touch of my clothing, tags, forced body contact when I'm not wanting it - so basically touch I guess...)
I have a problem stepping back from somethings and seeing other perspectives/ways to do things
I have always had times where I needed to talk aloud to calm myself down or to help myself cope with a situation (didn't realize that wasn't really normal)
I used to throw huge fits (no idea about what) where my mother would sit and physically restrain me until I was exhausted (sometimes hours)
I was diagnosed with ADD, but I have no issues with maintaining attention to things... took Ritalin from 5th grade till 10th grade only on school days.
and I'm sure there are others that they cited.
Have not been officially diagnosed with anything, but am doing some research and John thought this may be a good place for me to start. I told my mom today, and she took it well... She also warned me that she was going to hug me whether or not I wanted her to... But she said she'd look into it and give it some consideration... It feels so weird... Like, being labeled as autistic doesn't make me any more different than I already am, but it feels like it makes me more different... I don't know how to write what I'm feeling right now.