Hello all!! I am a self diagnosed aspie. I have been reading the forums on wrong planet for a little while and I figured it was time to join.
Where to start.... I've had a pretty crappy life. No friends outside of the family (beyond coworkers, but I only see them at work). No girlfriend. A torturous childhood. Major deppression sometimes (not recently) ,and I suspect dysthymia too. I have always been bullied all my life (recently I stood up for myself however). I have the auditory processing disorder--- since I couldn't hear in the factory and I didn't stand up for myself, everyone treated me like I was stupid and made fun of me ( It was a tramatizing job but I stuck with it because I thought I had too). My trouble understanding if someone is being sarcastic or not almost got me into a fistfight at one of my jobs. I can't stand when a coworker (gets angry with) yells at me ; I'll usually quit my job if that happens. I have gotten a lot better at socializing in recent years however. I even taught A+ and Net+ classes to adults for a while.
(I now work in a warehouse packing stuff)The major thing that tipped me off to aspergers was the eye gaze thing. Looking someone in the eyes always felt like they were looking inside me. it gave me a venerable/naked feeling.
I used look in the past tense because now I have some dissociative disorders (depersonalization/derealization) that prevent me from feeling anything anymore. They may have been caused by my horrible childhood ,that job I was made fun of on, or maybe it's a way to cope with the negative effects of autism. I cannot stress how horrible having depersonalization/derealization disorder is. You feel no joy, no pleasure, food taste dull, everything is bland, women don't seem too pretty, you just feel dead. I had been diagnosed with autism when I was four, but I never took it seriously until I read about the eye gaze. I read more about aspergers and realized how much it fit me.
Right now, I am trying to get an updated diagnosis ( the old diagnosis is kind of lost).
It is very frustrating, because the therapist does not seem very knowledgible about autism. He treats me like a nuero typical with the therapy. He assumes that my job problems are caused by things that can all be fixed. At least he referred me for a phychological screening.
Nothing got accomplished our last session however.
Anyhow, thank you for letting me post and rant. I am happy to now be a part of your community.
Ahh, I almost forgot.. I mentioned wrong planet to my therapist and he said it didn't sound like a good place. His ignorance was showing.